Boosting Mental Performance and Endurance with NanoVi®

What role does oxidative stress play in brain function?

The reasons high performers have for wanting to boost their mental performance and endurance are nearly endless. Whether someone is an athlete looking to gain an edge over the competition, a high-level professional seeking a way to combat decision fatigue, or simply a person who seeks to improve their acuity and wellness in everyday life, sustained and robust mental performance is key. Unfortunately for us all, optimal brain performance is exhausted long before the list of reasons for wanting it.

Our brains are fascinatingly complex organs, the centers of who we are as people, responsible for determining how we see, think about, and respond to the world around us. It’s no wonder given the complexity involved, that our knowledge of how the brain works is incomplete. A quote attributed to the late physicist Emerson M. Pugh may put it best: “If the human brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so simple that we couldn’t.” Yet there are many pieces of the bigger picture that we do understand—one of them is the clear impact of oxidative stress on brain health and function.

Our brains are fascinatingly complex organs, the centers of who we are as people, responsible for determining how we see, think about, and respond to the world around us. It’s no wonder given the complexity involved, that our knowledge of how the brain works is incomplete. A quote attributed to the late physicist Emerson M. Pugh may put it best: “If the human brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so simple that we couldn’t.” Yet there are many pieces of the bigger picture that we do understand—one of them is the clear impact of oxidative stress on brain health and function.

Oxidative Stress and Why it is a Factor for Brain Function

Oxidative stress is a phenomenon that occurs when the production of a group of molecules known as reactive oxygen species (ROS) overcomes our cells’ natural mechanisms to keep ROS in balance1. Members of one particularly potent subset of ROS are the infamous “free radicals”2. While ROS—in moderation—are important parts of our natural biology, an excess of them is dangerous. They damage our bodies by attacking critical parts of our cells such as proteins, DNA, and lipids (which make up the cell membranes)2–4. In high enough abundance, oxidative stress can lead directly to cell death5. Proteins are the most abundant cell component, so they are likely targets for ROS. Ideally, ROS damage is repaired quickly, and it is proteins that do the repair work. When the proteins responsible for repairing oxidative stress damage are themselves damaged, it can lead to a dangerous downward spiral.

ROS have long been known to be byproducts of aerobic metabolism3, which is when our cells use oxygen to help create energy. Consequently, ROS formation is unavoidable, especially in our brains where massive amounts of energy are required for optimal function6–11. This energy demand greatly increases during the neuronal activity involved in performing mental tasks, which exposes our brains to increased levels of ROS and oxidative damage12. While our neurons have developed to rely on moderate fluctuations in ROS levels as a way of sending internal signals12, they are also—quite ironically—particularly vulnerable to oxidative damage12–14. This is in part because neurons have a reduced set of defenses against ROS, compared to other types of cells12,14.

Concentration and decision making require massive amounts of energy and produces oxidative stress in the brain. This shows up as brain fog, mental fatigue and ultimately lower performance.

Concentration and decision making require massive amounts of energy and produce oxidative stress in the brain. This shows up as brain fog and mental fatigue.

How Oxidative Stress Undermines Mental Performance and Endurance

Unfortunately, the resulting impacts of oxidative stress on mental health and performance can be devastating. Researchers at Emory University and University College London have linked oxidative stress in the brain to a decrease in executive function (the cognitive capacity to perform mentally challenging tasks and control thoughts, emotions, and actions) and verbal fluency15,16. Oxidative stress in certain parts of the brain diminishes the ability to learn17, and has been strongly linked to memory impairments18–20. Appropriately, the administration of treatments and therapies reducing oxidative stress have demonstrated a powerful ability to recover not only memory function20–22, but also broader cognitive performance and brain health22,23.

Our cognition, like the cogs in a rusty machine, is downgraded by oxidative damage.

Moreover, research exists to support a link between oxidative stress and reduced mental endurance. Scientists have found that an increase in oxidation in a part of the brain regulating sleep causes sleep induction24. To put it another way, it appears that oxidative stress may be a major promoter of mental tiredness and acute cognitive exhaustion. This oxidative mechanism of sleep induction may very well play a role in the development of decision fatigue.

Long-Term Effects of Oxidative Stress on the Brain

Yet oxidative stress does not stop at tiredness and reduced performance—it can lead to much more serious and long-term detriments as well. It is linked to a vast range of psychiatric disorders and neurodegenerative illnesses, where an increased level of oxidative stress in brain cells is correlated with worsening disease12,13,25,26. With such sobering scientific evidence backing the danger of oxidative damage in our brains, it becomes clear that our ability to combat oxidative stress not only decides mental performance and endurance, but helps to preserve the general, long-term health of our brains as well.

An Innovative way to Improve Cellular Protein Function to Reduce Damage

So, how do we fight the deleterious impact of oxidative stress on our cognitive system? This is where the powerful technology of NanoVi® steps in. NanoVi device helps increase the build-up of something called exclusion zone (EZ) water in cells throughout the body. This increase in EZ water helps to maximize the necessary of protein folding. Proteins are the true workforce of the cell, responsible for creating most of your body and undertaking its vast array of functions. Since a protein’s function is dependent on it folding into the correct shape, increasing the rate of proper protein folding increases the function of our protein workforce, and, consequently, the adaptability, health, and well-being of our cells.

How NanoVi® Helps Address Oxidative Damage to Keep Your Brain Fit

NanoVi has been shown by scientific research to increase biological mechanisms of resistance to oxidative damage. One report shows that the administration of NanoVi to proteins that have suffered from oxidative damage significantly improves their ability to recover and refold into their appropriate, functional conformations27. Moreover, this same research team showed that people given NanoVi sessions produce significantly higher amounts of several critical antioxidant proteins known to scavenge and eliminate high levels of ROS in humans, likely helping to reduce oxidative stress in the first place. Such findings strongly suggest NanoVi may be a powerful way to regain ground lost to oxidative stress. This is especially important in the realm of mental performance where the production of oxidative damage is both so high and so consequential.

Using NanoVi while working is an easy way to assist your brain and tax it at same time.

Final Take-Away: Any Brain can Benefit from NanoVi Sessions

Whatever your reason for seeking an improvement in cognitive function, every advantage is meaningful. Using NanoVi to improve protein activities and repair damage is one of the best things you can do for your brain (and your body). Research verifies that NanoVi helps improve cellular activities and upgrade repair of oxidative stress damage. This makes it a robust tool for promoting mental endurance, acuity, and wellness. Combating the oxidative toll of mental exertion improves all aspects of brain function. NanoVi is a safe, easy-to-use technology supported by science and endorsed by users the world over.

If you’d like to learn more about the NanoVi device, its price, and research results, please sign in below.

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