Upgrade Your Cellular Health

NanoVi can have a wide range of benefits because of the way it works, by supporting protein activities. Proteins make up most of the body and do almost everything in the body. Helping proteins to function better can make a world of difference.

NanoVi is used to:

1. Recover from mental/physical exertion, or chronic illness.

2. Promote wellness and healthy aging.

3. Enhance physical and mental performance.

Upgrade Your Cellular Health

NanoVi can have a wide range of benefits because of the way it works, by supporting protein activities. Proteins make up most of the body and do almost everything in the body. Helping proteins to function better can make a world of difference.

NanoVi is used to:

1. Recover from mental/physical exertion, or chronic illness.

2. Promote wellness and healthy aging.

3. Enhance physical and mental performance.

Why Focus on Proteins?

1. Proteins make up almost all of the body.

2. Proteins do almost all the work in the body.

3. It is now possible to improve protein functions by influencing the cellular water.

Learn How NanoVi Works

Learn How NanoVi Works

I’ve been using the NanoVi device for almost five years to reduce oxidative damage and recover faster… that’s why I’ve got a NanoVi installed at 40 Years of Zen, my big brain upgrade facility and at Upgrade Labs, which is all about human performance”

Dave Asprey

When a protein is attacked by free radicals, it can unfold and lose its function. Oxidative damage is ongoing so there is a constant need for repair. NanoVi supports this repair, and all other protein activities, by influencing the cellular water. When you improve the environment for proteins you improve all cellular activities – research verifies this.

Studies confirm NanoVi benefits:

√ 45% increase in restored function of oxidized proteins – NanoVi device compared to damaged controls treated with a sham device

√ 32% increase in restored function of heat damaged proteins – compared to damaged controls treated with a sham device

√ 28% increase in restored function of chemically damaged proteins – compared to the damaged controls treated with a sham device

√ 18% reduction in hydrogen peroxide after deactivation by heat (as indicated by improved catalase activity relative to controls)

√ 17% reduction in lactate (with half NanoVi session before all-out exertion — double-blind placebo-controlled)

√ 10%–17% improvement in three markers for immune response (double-blind placebo-controlled study)

√ 7.8% increase in VO2 max after one NanoVi session

√ 11% improvement in resting Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER) after one NanoVi session

√ 5.6% increase in crossover point – point where fat and carbohydrate contribute equally to energy production

√ 14% reduction in oxidative stress markers (after one NanoVi session)

√ 25% reduction in double-strand DNA breaks (crossover study, week-long training regime with or without NanoVi)

√ 15% improvement in heart rate variability (HRV) measured on elite athletes after exertion

Note: Reported results are statistically significant at the .05 level or higher

NanoVi is the stuff that I’ve been using lately. It’s actually something that’s blown me away! This is a really cool piece of tech that I’m using, and I think that it’s worth looking at from a mitochondrial and a systems repair perspective… 48% of people under age 40, have early onset mitochondrial dysfunction and everyone over age 40 has it, we just call it aging.”

Dave Asprey

NanoVi is the stuff that I’ve been using lately. It’s actually something that’s blown me away! This is a really cool piece of tech that I’m using, and I think that it’s worth looking at from a mitochondrial and a systems repair perspective… 48% of people under age 40, have early onset mitochondrial dysfunction and everyone over age 40 has it, we just call it aging.”

Dave Asprey

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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright © 2022. Eng3 Corporation. All rights reserved.