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Join Eng3 at RAADfest to learn how the NanoVi™ can be used to slow the aging process

Eng3 will be exhibiting the NanoVi RAADfest 2018, showcasing a technology that can assist with graceful aging. The NanoVi is a perfect fit for RAADfest as it helps slow the aging process by accelerating repair and regeneration. Reported benefits include greater mental clarity, renewed vitality, better sleep, stronger immunity and the ability to stay active later in life.
RAADfest, NanoVi, Eng3, biohacking, Coalition for Radical Life Extension, Revolution Against Aging and Death

NanoVi featured in the RAADfest 2018 expo

RAADfest was established to bring together experts and enthusiasts in fields related to longevity in order to increase interest by presenting their findings to laypeople. A wide variety of speakers will be presenting different ways to increase longevity. Topics range from methods to live longer through healthy living, to topics as radical as transhumanism.

Speakers will include Suzanne Somers, a writer, entrepreneur and actress, Dr. Neil Riordan, a stem cell researcher, and Jim Mellon, a British entrepreneur and investor.

Suzanne Somers, Eng3, NanoVi, biohacking, RAADfestSuzanne Somers, an award-winning actress, bestselling author, and astute businesswoman, will be attending RAADfest. She is the author of multiple New York Times Bestsellers, her current one being TOX-SICK. Working with Life Extension, Suzanne is a co-founder the physicians’ network She is a proponent of Bio Identical Hormone Treatment and has been since she published The Sexy Years in 2003.

Dr. Neil Riordan, Doctor Neil Riordan, Eng3, NanoVi, RAADfest, biohackingDr. Neil Riordan is a leading figure in the field of stem cell research. He founded MediStem Panama in 2007, one of the foremost labs focusing on the use of stem cells in treating chronic diseases. He’s the author of more than 60 articles in peer-reviewed journals and is the author of MSC: Clinical Evidence Leading Medicines Next Frontier, and Stem Cell Therapy: A Rising Tide: How Stem Cells Are Disrupting Medicine and Transforming Lives. Dr. Riordan will be speaking about the ways in which stem cells can be used to address chronic diseases, and the state of research into using stem cells to address aging.

Jim Mellon, Eng3, NanoVi, biohacking, RAADfest
Jim Mellon is known for identifying upcoming market trends and technologies. In his first book he was able to successfully predict the global financial crisis of 2007-2008. He will be speaking about the ways in which increased longevity will change the world, and the need to influence politicians to prepare for these changes.

RAADfest, eng3, nanovi, biohacking
RAADfest will held at the Town and Country Resort & Convention Center in San Diego, September 20th-23rd. The NanoVi device will be demonstrated at booth 201.

RAADfest, NanoVi, eng3, biohacking

San Diego’s Town and Country Resort hosts RAADfest 2018

RAADfest, NanoVi, eng3, biohacking

RAADfest offers lively, even death defying, panel discussions

RAADfest, NanoVi, eng3, biohacking

The RAADfest focus on rejuvenation makes NanoVi a great fit for the expo

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