for Professional Centers


Why Offer NanoVi® at Your Professional Center?

The #1 reason practitioners and centers incorporate the NanoVi device is to improve client outcomes. NanoVi is often used in combination with other therapies because everything works better when protein activities improve.

Your success is our priority, so Eng3 provides implementation support, staff training, and marketing materials at no cost. This makes it easy for any type of center to incorporate NanoVi and enhance their client’s experience and results.

These are some of the type of centers that we work with:

• Integrative Physicians

• Biohacking Centers

• Hyperbaric Centers

• Chiropractors

• Dentists

• Neurofeedback and Brain Training

• Fitness and Performance Centers

• Spas & Wellness Centers

• Body Work

• Geriatric Care

How NanoVi® Can Help Your Business

NanoVi is so easy to use that after the initial introduction, clients do not require staff attention. The NanoVi Pro and NanoVi Exo devices are designed for professional use. They have SmartCard technology so clients can prepay for a series of sessions then ‘self-serve’. Minutes are deducted from their card with use.

Although just one NanoVi session is proven to be beneficial, a series of sessions or ongoing use are far better and lead to predictable revenue for a center. The cost of offering NanoVi as a service is minimal so the device not only benefits clients, it benefits your bottom line.

Any kind of center is a good fit for NanoVi – improving cellular function and enhancing repair and regeneration are always beneficial. Because of the way NanoVi works, it cannot conflict with other modalities and is widely used to augment them. NanoVi can be suitable for, and beneficial to, any client.

From Our Professional NanoVi® Partners

  • Our professional athletic clients are completely hooked... From MMA champions, NFL players, top 10 pro motocross riders, mountain bike phenoms, tri-athletes, etc... they basically refuse to go without their infusion of NanoVi ordered water vapor. Since integrating the NanoVi device into our technology offerings, we’ve witnessed significantly higher levels of ‘Ascent Program’ efficacy.

    Heather Hiniker | CEO, Ascent - Adaptation and Regeneration

  • We introduced NanoVi to our clinic more than 5 years ago. We loved it so much that within 2 years we added another system to our IV lounge. NanoVi has transformed our patients’ capacity to recover from oxidative treatments such as ozone therapy, IV vitamin C, hyperbaric oxygen therapy and exercise therapy. Thank you Eng3 for your innovative evidence-based technology.

    Dr. Nooshin Darvish | Holistique Naturopathic Medical Center

  • The NanoVi is an essential tool for any combat sport athlete looking to optimize their performance, output, and recovery. When coupled with additional recovery methodologies the effect is compounded and rather miraculous!

    Arash Rajnbaran | Trainer, Athletic Training Institute (ATI) Bellevue

  • We usually have our patients, regardless of any therapy they’re doing IV, whether it’s another oxidative therapy, they’re hooked up. You know, we have four or five of these always going and everyone’s getting their NanoVi treatments.

    Caspar Szulc | Co-Founder, New York Center for Innovative Medicine (NYCIM)

  • NanoVi is an effective way to help people regenerate, repair and recover. It fits perfectly with our vision of an advanced health centre, focused on measuring and improving cellular health… After several sessions with the NanoVi, guests’ oxidative stress and overall well-being is improved. They say things like ‘after the session I feel more energized and refreshed’ or ‘it makes me calm and relaxed’.

    Nino Nakashidze | MD, BIOLI Medical Wellness Resort

  • We have added NanoVi to all our clients’ programs. Very quickly, we noticed that all of our Cancer patients were feeling more productive and had lots more energy after a Hyperbaric treatment followed by a NanoVi session… We also noticed that clients who didn’t see strong results with hyperbaric treatments alone see big changes once they start NanoVi, wham they get a burst of energy, just amazing.

    C. Dodson | owner, Hyperbaric Therapy of Dublin and other HBOT centres

  • NanoVi can stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis, the process by which cells increase mitochondrial mass. At Gazda Integrative Neurology, we recommend using the NanoVi device 2-3 times per week for 10 minutes per session.

    Dr. Suzanne Gazda | Owner Gazda Integrative Neurology

  • I’ve done about 300 stem cell procedures with the NanoVi and many more without it, and I’ve noticed a profound difference between the two groups, especially in the time it takes to observe a therapeutic response. NanoVi-treated patients see faster, more consistent results.

    Luis Martinez | MD, MPH, Xano Gene Clinic, Anti-Aging, Health & Wellness Center

  • We love stacking sessions with NeuOptimal neurofeedback since both sessions are 30 minutes and relaxing. Clients love the super stack of NanoVi, while doing NeurOptimal and lymphatic massage… It can be combined with neurofeedback, red-light therapy and other add-ons. Great for expedited recovery for athletes, immune health, mental and physical vitality and for anyone who wants give their body extra support for healing and wellbeing!

    Angela Martinucci | Owner, Bay Area Brain Spa

  • The benefits are so extraordinary that at least 5 of my clients purchased the device for home use and they continue to see more and more benefits. Not only is the device an amazing piece of biohacking technology but the team that backups the technology and supports the clients are simply outstanding, and knowledgeable.

    Alfredo Acle | Cryotherapy Center Owner